Introduction As winter approaches, a familiar scene unfolds: Bollywood celebrities, politicians, and governments suddenly turn their attention to the pressing issue of pollution, especially in cities...
In a modest room within the cash-strapped Oriental Research Institute (ORI) in Mysuru, an ancient manuscript lies neglected, silently withering away without proper care. This fragile...
India’s journey towards enacting a comprehensive data protection law reached a significant milestone as the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, was passed by the Rajya...
In the dense forests of southern India, a criminal was born—a legendary criminal that would go on to terrorize the region for nearly two decades. This...
In a groundbreaking achievement, India has unveiled its first 3D-printed post office, located in Bengaluru’s Cambridge Layout. This remarkable feat, completed in just 43 days, represents...
Ethiopia, a nation with a rich cultural heritage and diverse population, has been marred by a series of conflicts and political unrest in recent years. The...
Amid the challenging landscape of Afghanistan, with no future for democracy, the past two years under Taliban rule have evoked deep concerns. The resurgence of the...
Amid India’s jubilant celebration of the Chandrayaan 3 success, the world witnessed an unusual request from a British gentleman inquiring about India’s plans to repay what...
Earlier this year, a musical marvel emerged from the heartland of Haryana, as the Haryanvi song “Kitse” was released. Sung by the remarkable new-age artist Mohito...
The influence of the United States Dollar (USD) in global trade has been substantial, serving as a hallmark of the West’s economic power. Its prevalence has...