In the bustling streets of Mumbai, a shadowy figure left a trail of fear and mystery between October 2006 and January 2007. Known only as the...
In a deeply unsettling incident, authorities in Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh, discovered the bodies of five family members, including three children, in an apparent mass suicide at...
R.D. Burman’s legacy is a complex tapestry woven with threads of genius, innovation, and controversy. His contributions to Indian music are undeniable, and his ability to...
The introduction of water villas in Lakshadweep is a landmark development for India’s tourism industry. By integrating luxury with sustainability, the project sets a new standard...
On December 13, 2023, the GPAI Ministers convened in New Delhi for their annual summit, hosted by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in...
In the ever-expanding landscape of streaming content, finding a series that grips you from the very first scene can be a daunting task. However, there’s one...
In the vast universe of television streaming, it’s easy to get lost among the plethora of choices. However, one show has risen above the rest, captivating...
In a world where music transcends language and culture, Pranavi Madaan stands as a testament to the power of melody and lyrics. She’s not your typical...
As the creator and frontman of the Indian Rock/Pop band Euphoria, Palash Sen is an actor, singer, songwriter, musician, composer, and musician from India. For decades,...
In our increasingly interconnected world, the notion of the "Right to Repair" has gained considerable attention and significance. This movement underscores the importance of allowing consumers...