Tech – Insight Inspiring change through insight Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:49:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RELEASED: GPAI’s New Delhi declaration Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:44:03 +0000 On December 13, 2023, the GPAI Ministers convened in New Delhi for their annual summit, hosted by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in collaboration with the Centre for Responsible AI (CeRAI) at IIT Madras. Blessed by the presence of Honorable PM Narendra Modi, the event included a Research Symposium and a Global AI Expo. This year’s symposium, themed “Responsible AI in Public-Sector Applications,” provided a global platform for researchers to share insights. The Expo showcased AI innovations addressing critical challenges and benefiting society, with the participation of industry leaders, policymakers, innovators, and stakeholders from 38 countries and the EU, including Mr. Ashwini Vaishnaw, serving as the Minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology; and Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, holding the position of Union Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, Skill Development, Electronics & Technology, and Jal Shakti in Government of Bharat.

GPAI collaborates to negotiate a consensus on the approach to AI by crafting a declaration document. Here is what the GPAI’s New Delhi Ministerial Declaration says:

GPAI New Delhi Ministerial Declaration

1. We, Ministers of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), convening in New Delhi on 13th December 2023:

2. Reiterate our unwavering commitment, since the GPAI Council Meeting in Japan last year, to the principles for responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI and values reflected in the OECD Recommendation on AI, as noted in GPAI’s Terms of Reference, rooted in democratic values and human rights, safeguarding dignity and well-being, ensuring personal data protection, protection of applicable intellectual property rights, privacy, and security, fostering innovation, and promoting, trustworthy, responsible, sustainable and human-centred use of AI. 

3. We further affirm our commitment to continue to work within our respective jurisdictions to advance safe, secure, and trustworthy AI, including, as appropriate, through the development of relevant regulations, policies, standards, and other initiatives.

4. We acknowledge the noteworthy progress and achievements under the leadership of Japan as the 2023 Lead Chair with India as the Incoming Support Chair and France as the Outgoing Support Chair. This includes significant efforts related to the strengthening of GPAI as a diverse and inclusive multistakeholder initiative.

5. We applaud the contributions of the Multistakeholder Experts Group (MEG) towards the GPAI projects. We affirm our commitment to supporting the sustainability of GPAI projects by undertaking the adoption of relevant projects, in line with country-specific contexts and priorities as well as the shared interests and priorities of the GPAI community.

6. We recognize the rapid pace of improvement in advanced AI systems and their potential to generate economic growth, innovation, and jobs across various sectors as well as to benefit societies. We acknowledge the need to harness new opportunities and mitigate the risks arising from the development, deployment, and use of such technologies. This includes concerns around misinformation and disinformation, unemployment, lack of transparency and fairness, protection of intellectual property and personal data, and threats to human rights and democratic values. We further acknowledge the need for equitable access to resources, which must be considered, accounted for, or addressed in order for societies to benefit from and build competitive AI solutions. We underscore GPAI’s pivotal role in addressing contemporary AI issues, including generative AI, through applied AI projects aimed at addressing societal problems and global challenges, maximising the benefits and mitigating associated risks.

7. We support the intention of India, as Lead Chair for 2024, in its endeavour to promote collaborative AI for global partnership among GPAI members by supporting projects aimed at promoting equitable access to critical resources for AI research and innovation, such as AI computing, high quality diverse datasets, algorithms, software, testbeds, and other AI-relevant resources in compliance with applicable intellectual property protections and data protection legislations. We reaffirm the importance of fostering (US DEL an)  equitable AI ecosystem (US Add s) that ensures diverse, inclusive and multistakeholder engagement, including from under-represented groups and communities facing vulnerabilities towards the responsible design,  development, deployment, and sustainable use of trustworthy AI.

8. We support the development, in a collaborative manner, of necessary knowledge, skills, infrastructure, policies, risk management frameworks and governance mechanisms to effectively and responsibly leverage AI technologies and applications, including among low and middle-income countries to harness the potential of AI advancements and manage the associated risks, including ensuring robust protection of rights, safety, and security.

9. We embrace the use of AI innovation in supporting sustainable agriculture as a new thematic priority for GPAI. We acknowledge the importance of promoting the development of and access to risk-proportionate trustworthy AI applications for ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, help regenerate ecosystems, strengthen capacity for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters, and that progressively improve land and soil quality, as well as promote inclusion and empowerment of workers in the agricultural supply chain.

10. We commend the efforts undertaken by India, the incoming support chair, the GPAI secretariat, the Expert Support Centres, and the Executive Council to foster enhanced member-expert collaboration and increase the visibility of GPAI, through efforts such as the member-facilitated GPAI working group convenings and the GPAI Innovation Workshop. 

11. We are committed to continuing and strengthening our advocacy efforts to enhance the public visibility of GPAI’s outputs and facilitate the adoption of relevant work wherever feasible. 

12. We note the international community’s efforts over the year to drive international collaboration on AI. To this end, we acknowledge GPAI’s contribution to the G7 leaders’ statement on the Hiroshima AI Process, the Bletchley Declaration, and the G20 New Delhi leaders’ declaration as steps towards working together, in an inclusive manner, to promote trustworthy AI that supports the good of all. 

13. We reaffirm our dedication to strengthening GPAI’s independent and unique identity as a key multilateral initiative for practical approaches to advancing the trustworthy development, deployment, and use of AI. We are committed to positioning GPAI as a nodal initiative that plays a key role in global cooperation on AI innovation and governance, along with its expert support centres. Towards this, we support GPAI’s further engagement with other relevant international fora such as the G20, G7, OECD, UNESCO and other UN bodies, to leverage synergies and avoid duplication of efforts.

14. We reaffirm our commitment to pursuing a diverse membership, with a particular focus on low and middle-income countries to ensure a broad range of expertise, national and regional views and experiences based on our shared values. We are committed to ensuring that GPAI’s mission has a global impact, and helps address diverse global and societal challenges.

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India’s Remarkable Achievements: The 3D-Printed Post Office in Bengaluru Fri, 22 Sep 2023 20:14:58 +0000 In a groundbreaking achievement, India has unveiled its first 3D-printed post office, located in Bengaluru’s Cambridge Layout. This remarkable feat, completed in just 43 days, represents a significant leap forward in construction technology and efficiency. The inauguration ceremony was held virtually, with Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw leading the event. The project was executed by Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) in collaboration with the expertise of IIT Madras, revolutionising traditional construction methods.

Efficiency Meets Innovation

The India Post’s 3D-printed post office covers a built-up area of 1,021 square feet, showcasing a striking blend of efficiency and innovation. What makes this project truly exceptional is the use of 3D concrete printing technology, a fully automated building construction method. A robotic printer meticulously deposits concrete layer by layer, following the approved design. Special-grade concrete, which hardens rapidly, ensures the bonding between layers, allowing for the swift creation of the structure.

George Abraham, Head of Operations (South and East) at L&T, emphasised the impact of robotic intervention in achieving this remarkable feat. Compared to the conventional construction method, which typically takes 6-8 months, the 3D-printed post office was completed in a mere 43 days. This not only accelerates the construction process but also reduces costs significantly.

Cost-Effective and Sustainable

The 3D-printed post office project was executed at a cost of Rs 23 lakh, making it approximately 30-40 percent more cost-effective than traditional construction methods. Professor Manu Santhanam, from the Building Technology and Construction Management Division at IIT Madras, highlighted the critical factors that contributed to the success of concrete 3D printing. He explained that the project incorporated indigenous machines and robots while utilizing a special concrete material with exceptional properties.

IIT Madras and L&T conducted extensive meetings to ensure the project’s success. Professor Ravindra Gettu from IIT-M played a pivotal role as the primary advisor, ensuring the compatibility of the 3D-printed technology with conventional construction. The project involved detailed assessments of materials, structural design, construction methodology, and concept approval. Additionally, Professor Gettu conducted site visits to ensure on-site quality and provided guidance on curing and technical matters.

Innovative Technology for the Future

The 3D printing technology employed in the post office project was flexible and adaptable. It allowed for curved surfaces and adapted to site dimensions, eliminating the constraints of flat walls. This technology enabled continuous reinforced concrete footing and three-layer walls, combining concrete and reinforced concrete for added strength and durability. Moreover, it facilitated the incorporation of weather-proofing and utilities within the walls, enhancing construction efficiency.

The Future of 3D Printing

Developers believe that 3D printing’s unique ability to enable individual customization and weather-proofing will play a vital role in housing-related construction. Chief Postmaster General of Karnataka Circle, Rajendra Kumar, noted that the larger goal is to harness 3D printing technology for low-cost housing projects. Plans are underway to construct post offices across 400 vacant sites in the state, where postal services are currently inaccessible. This pioneering project is expected to serve as a blueprint for the future development of affordable, efficient, and sustainable construction methods using 3D printing technology.


India’s first 3D-printed post office in Bengaluru stands as a testament to the country’s progress in construction technology. With its speed, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability, 3D printing has the potential to revolutionise the construction industry and address pressing challenges, including low-cost housing. As the nation looks to expand this innovative approach to post offices and beyond, it opens doors to a brighter and more efficient future in the realm of construction and infrastructure development.

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The Right to Repair: Empowering Consumers & Sustainability Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:24:33 +0000

Let us begin this article by addressing the basic question, “What is the right to repair?” “What does the right to repair mean?” and then discuss “Why the right to repair is important?”

At its core, the Right to Repair movement champions consumers’ ability to mend their devices or choose third-party repair services without voiding warranties or facing legal repercussions. Historically, manufacturers have designed products with sealed components, proprietary screws, and specialized tools, effectively discouraging users from attempting repairs. This culture has fostered a throwaway mentality’, where even minor malfunctions lead to the discarding of otherwise functional devices, exacerbating electronic waste and environmental degradation.

The environmental implications of restricted repairability are profound. Electronic waste, commonly referred to as e-waste, constitutes one of the fastest-growing waste categories worldwide. Discarded electronic devices often contain hazardous substances that can leach into the environment, posing risks to both human health and ecosystems. Granting consumers the right to repair extends the lifespan of devices, curbs e-waste, and reduces the demand for new products, thereby mitigating the carbon footprint linked to manufacturing.

Moreover, the concept of the Right to Repair aligns harmoniously with the principles of a circular economy—a sustainable economic framework emphasizing resource reduction, reuse, and recycling. By permitting consumers to repair their devices, manufacturers are prompted to design products with modularity and durability in mind, making disassembly and repair more straightforward.

Advocacy for the Right to Repair has gained momentum through legislative efforts across various regions. These measures seek to mandate that manufacturers provide access to repair manuals, diagnostic tools, and affordable replacement parts to consumers and independent repair businesses. However, the Critics contend that such regulations might infringe on intellectual property rights and hinder innovation. Whilst the proponents counter that while safeguarding intellectual property is essential, achieving a balance that prioritizes consumer rights and environmental sustainability is equally imperative.

Crucially,  the Right to Repair carries socioeconomic implications. Enabling individuals and small enterprises to offer repair services can invigorate local economies and entrepreneurial endeavors. Promoting competition within repair markets can reduce costs, rendering repairs more affordable for a broader demographic. This has the potential to alleviate the financial burden associated with frequent device replacements, particularly among low-income households.

In conclusion, the Right to Repair constitutes a multifaceted movement with far-reaching implications for consumer rights, environmental sustainability, and technological advancement. It challenges the prevailing disposable electronics culture and propels the transition toward a circular economy. Legislative endeavors supporting this movement aim to strike a balance between safeguarding manufacturers’ intellectual property rights and empowering consumers, while also curbing electronic waste and bolstering local economies. As society’s reliance on technology intensifies, securing the Right to Repair emerges as a pivotal step toward a more equitable, sustainable, and innovative future.

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